
Alternative engineering is an independent service provider for engineering, game development and consulting services. Check out the Portfolio and Services page for more details on that.

Who am I?

I'm Martin Zielinski, engineer, father of a teenage daughter and a tech enthusiast. I work since over 20 years in the technology sector as programmer, engineer and CTO. In this time I have left my mark in the game development industry as well as in the startup scene. My love for programming and development started in my childhood with the Amstrad CPC and led me to the career a games programmer and later also as a startup founder. I have worked with a lot of technologies and programming languages over the years and am always eager to learn new things.

What to expect here?

This site is dedicated to showcase my portfolio and the services I provide, but will also be the place where I share thoughts, ideas, experiences and opinions on all the things going on in tech or within my bubble. Don't expect too frequent updates, but I hope to get back into blogging a bit more and to share some of my learnings with others.